Saturday, September 26, 2009

In Love, My Friend

You had fallen for the look in her eyes
The way she laughs and silently smiles
You are delirious but you are afraid to make a move
But just remember, the things we are scared of
Are usually the most worthwhile

You look at the mess you make in the name of life
All things cluttered and nothing going anywhere
You lie here in your room alone
Wondering why you haven’t moved yet
Don’t fret or fear, just ponder on in your sleep
While the river runs wild, the still water runs deep

You ain’t a waterfall, at least not just yet
When you have lived enough maybe then
You can jump and fall
Just send the ripples running for now
And let it tickle your heart and soul
Doesn’t matter if you are moving or not
All that matters is how it moves you

Live your life for now and hold onto
What you found after years
When something makes you lose control
It’s called drugs
When something makes you breakdown in tears
It’s called love
And when you have both going on
Know that there’s nothing wrong
It’s just chemistry!
When two extremes meet
It’s bound to create a massive reaction!!

Get going fella! And chin up young person
If happiness is real when shared
Why not find happiness together?
It’s about the choices you make (you said)
Don’t think alone and look back
Just ten seconds of life, after all
No time to think or regret

All the best, my friend
Meet you somewhere in the end!

9:05am, 25th September, 2009


  1. Honestly, who did you write this one for? I am beginning to imagine that every single line you write is for me... Each poem speaks to me.. this one is not for me na?

  2. for another one of my close friends... don't worry I'd dedicate my book to you, if at all it comes along! :)
