Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The glass was half-empty when I drank from it
Today it seems it's half-full

The sun was setting when I was walking back home
Today it seems to rise again

The time was slipping away when I held on to it
Today it seems to move slow

The thoughts were disappearing from my head
Today it seems to fill me up

The world was proving to be an enemy then
Today it seems to befriend me

Nothing is permanent but change they say
Everything is transitory in nature

Life seems to be a permanent cycle of ups and downs
Change is also a cycle that comes and goes

What I am today, I was sometime back
What I feel today, I felt long ago

Learning not to take things to heart
Learning to hold on and to let go

Knowing I will never be complete is the wisdom
Trying and believing I am is the illusion

I am seeking the wisdom today
I am learning to let go of the illusion


  1. Wisdom and illusion are closely linked, as your poem seems to suggest. Like wisdom and foolishness. They are all to be found where we least expect them, and when we least expect them.
    Good poem.
    (Stanza 1, should be it's not its)

  2. thanks for the comment... made the change too...
    i guess errors and wisdom are linked as well!
