Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Shadow, My Light

(Image courtesy:

There’s no one in here; it’s hard to believe
I can sense your shadow hanging over me
First my guilt gave you a second life to live
Then my fear saw you standing over me

I got used to you telling me things I knew
Even things I knew but never could see
Your frightening moments became so few
I wished for you and you I would see

You were the silent conversations I had
You were my one and only true company
The soothing voice in me when I was sad
The visionary and keeper of my destiny

Once just a creation of my soul in darkness
You’ve shone my life with enough brightness

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Conversations In The Night

(image courtesy: popartmachine)

Sleepless yet again
Those late night conversations
Come back to haunt me