Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fact, Fiction

I hear your footsteps
or maybe I am dreaming
or still hoping

The life we had
I can see it slipping away
I can see it
in the silence of a helpless father
in the coldness of a broken mother

I lie on your bed sometimes
to take in your smell
or what is left of it
to help me sleep

Fact is real
but fact is cruel
Fact is you are gone
So I am in love with fiction

It's the only way I know
to live without you
To write you into my life
till I run out of words

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The disappearing light
The shadows take over
The day is ending

I look at you smiling
in a faded photograph
I am lost again

Prisoner of the past
learning to let go.. but
Hope dies slow

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I nestled in your arms
curled up like a young leaf
before the dawn

The night was cold
Your breath kept me warm
before I froze

in the morning mist
waiting for the sunlight
to shine on me

Soon the Sun rose
and my smile sparkled
just for a while

then I melted away
and was lost forever
like the dewdrops

in a cold Winter morning
leaving a cold sigh
of warm smoke

in your lips
calling out my name
but all in vain

Friday, December 03, 2010

The Haze And The Blossom

The haze was suppose to lift - but it stayed on
like an uninvited guest.. for days on end

Then one day, without warning -
cleared altogether, when one had gone
accustomed to it.

The denial had turned to acceptance when
familiarity bred compassion..

Now it's denial again, a failure to accept,
the familiar is a stranger again!

The flowers which never
bloomed in the sunshine
but blossomed in the haze
now show signs of dying
with each passing sunny day

When your existence
becomes dependent
on something beyond your control,
wherein lies the blame for the life
which withered away?

The haze which couldn't stay?
Or the sun which now returns?

Or did the flowers deserve their fate
for loving the traveling haze?

Maybe it was meant to be...
a love which blossomed and died...
a love which could never last..

Except for in folk-tales
or in legends hearsay told

of a rare blossom,
one in hundred generations could witness,
in an untimely,
uninvited haze