Thursday, March 29, 2012

Of Words and Wisdom

Of wanting nothing
But the very best
For all the rest

Yet be happy
With a humble me
No pride and no glory

Of fulfilling wishes
Of the lost souls
And near ones

Yet be content
With just a few dreams
For me to conquer

Of aching desires
Futility of pursuing
Frustrations ensuing

Yet be hopeful
Of all things good
To bear good fruits

Of the underlying meaning
Life hides within
Masks upon masks

Yet be reminded
Every once in a while
Everything can be broken

Thursday, March 22, 2012


(Image courtesy: lifehousetheater)

Shadows stretching
Reaching for the night

Basking in the warmth
Of the remaining sunlight

Thoughts sink in
And soon I am lost

Writing stories
Living fables

Plucking fruits
Throwing marbles

Running free
Walking slow

Playing games
Hunting arrows

Honking cars,
from my slumber,
They wake me up

And I am back to watching
The ants crawling
On pavements grey